sylvia egger (aka serner)
ongoing projects:
- avantgarde_under_net_conditions [since 2002] (avant-garde theory)
- up with forklift [since 2003] (weblog collaboration with chuck ritola)
- random items [since 2002] (weblog)
last projects:
- voyage automatique - webcam's revenge [2002-2003] (part of the project "the famous sound of absolute wreaders")
- handheld commander [2001] (part of "13" project of mark amerika, korea web art festival 2001)
- piep-show - around the word in a minute [2001]
- LITERATUR-KNAST - coming home [2001]
- nach mitte - kathrin röggla [1999] (text and concept: kathrin röggla, programming and visuals: sylvia egger)
- mailancholie des bildschirmhintergrunds [1998]
- perspektive - zeitschrift für experimentelle literatur (coeditor 1993-2002, webmaster since 1996 (in part) / 1997 (full) - 2004)
- avantgarde_under_net_conditions (editor) [2002] (perspektive number 43 2002, ISSN 1021-9242) eine stürmische ortsbegehung, introduction (doc, 350kb)
Bio [Stand 2004]